Sidharth Shukla and Aastha Chaudhary made their small screen debut Babul Ka Aangann Chootey Na, which garnered appreciation from the audience. While the viewers loved their equation, there were link-up rumours of the lead stars and Aastha has finally reacted to it. Talking to E Times, the actress said, “There is nothing much to say about it because we were just working together on that show and we shared a good rapport. When co-actors are spotted together at a few places, people often link them together. Just because we got along well at that time and we used to chill and talk a lot, there were rumours about us that we were dating, and that’s just not true.”
Praising Sidharth Shukla, she added, Sidharth is still the same person but over the years, he has matured. Many people in the show have said that he has anger issues, but it’s his normal nature. If he feels something is wrong, he won’t accept it. He will fight back and talk about it, and he has always been this person. Over the years, his perspective towards things has changed. But he is still very clear about things in his head and if he thinks something is wrong then he won’t accept it, and due to this people, think he has anger issues or that he is stubborn. But that’s his real side and he was never fake in the BB house too. Sidharth has an attitude of ‘take it or leave it’, and I feel that’s who he is and has always been.”
Aastha Chaudhary also revealed that she is looking for new roles and genres and said, “I really want to do something in the comedy genre. I have been wanting that for years, I hope to get something this year.”
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