Home News Bifurcate process of impeachment, nominees confirmation: Joe Biden

Bifurcate process of impeachment, nominees confirmation: Joe Biden

Bifurcate process of impeachment, nominees confirmation: Joe Biden

President-elect Joe Biden has urged the U.S. Congressional leadership on January 11 to bifurcate the process to impeach outgoing President Donald Trump and confirmation of his nominees.

Also read: Donald Trump faces ‘incitement of insurrection’ impeachment charge

Mr. Biden told reporters at a news conference on January 11 that his priority was to get first and foremost a stimulus bill passed and secondly to begin to rebuild the economy. He plans to make a detailed announcement in this regard on Thursday.

“I had a discussion today with some folks in the House [and] in the Senate,” Mr. Biden said. “Can we go a half day on dealing with the impeachment and half a day getting my people nominated and confirmed in the Senate, as well as moving on the package?” “So that is my hope and expectation,” he said.

The President-elect added that he had not received an answer from the lawmakers yet.

Also read: U.S. House will consider Donald Trump impeachment on January 13

Responding to a question, Mr. Biden said he was not afraid of holding inauguration outside.

“We have been getting briefed, but I think it’s critically important that there be a real serious focus on holding those folks who engaged in sedition and threatened peoples’ lives, defaced public property, caused great damage that they be held accountable,” Mr. Biden said. “And I think that is a view that is held by the vast majority of Democrats and Republicans in the Congress.”

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