Bigg Boss Malayalam 3 enters its sixth-week amidst the significant drama, fights, and shocking evictions. Four eliminations took place in this season so far. The host Mohanlal announced the eviction of wildcard entrant, Remya Panicker. Lakshmi Jeyan, Michelle Ann, and Angel Thomas were the other evictions of this season. Manikuttan’s positive image and Dimple Bhal’s attitude take precedence ahead of the nominations task.
Remya Panicker, Majiziya, and Kidilam Firoz entered the nominations for this week. Sandhya is safe from nominations for yet another week in this season. Captain Kidilam Firoz was safe from nominations this week.
Bigg Boss 3 Malayalam Nominated Contestants Week 6
- Dimple Bhal
- Majiziya Bhanu
- Soorya Menon
- Sajna and Firoz
- Sai Vishnu
- Anoop Krishnan
Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 3 Nominations Task Week 6
The fifth nominations task took place in Bigg Boss Malayalam 3. Bigg Boss announced a closed room nominations task and the housemates nominated two of their fellow housemates for the second eviction of Bigg Boss Malayalam. This week’s nomination was interesting because of multiple reasons.
Sai Vishnu and Sajna Firoz entered the nominations for subsequent weeks. Sandhya, Noby, and Manikuttan are the lucky contestants out of the whole lot for escaping nominations. However, it would be interesting to see which contestant gets evicted this week.
Sajna/Firoz received a maximum of six nominations. Dimple Bhal received five nominations. Soorya and Majiziya received three votes each. However, Sai and Anoop received two votes for nominations each.
How to Vote in Bigg Boss Malayalam Season 3 to save your favorite contestant in Week 6
How to vote in Hotstar for Bigg Boss Malayalam 3 Disney+ Hotstar App?
- Open Play Store or iOS Appstore in your Mobile.
- Search for the ” Disney+ Hotstar ” app and Install the latest version.
- Now open the Hotstar app.
- Go to the “Bigg Boss Malayalam” page.
- Below the stream, you will find an option to vote.
- Click the “Vote now” button.
- Choose your Favorite Contestant.
- You have 50 votes each day to vote for Bigg Boss Malayalam 3 contestants
Bigg Boss Malayalam 3 Evicted Contestants
- Lakshmi Jayan (Week 2)
- Michelle Ann (Week 3)
- Angel Thomas (Week 4)
- Remya Panicker (Week 5)
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