Home China gives conditional approval to Sinopharm vaccine

China gives conditional approval to Sinopharm vaccine

China gives conditional approval to Sinopharm vaccine

The vaccine is the first one approved for general use in China.

China has given conditional approval to a coronavirus vaccine developed by state-owned Sinopharm.

The vaccine is the first one approved for general use in China.

Chen Shifei, the deputy commissioner of China’s Medical Production Administration, said at a news conference on Thursday that the decision had been made the previous night.

The vaccine is an inactivated, two-dose vaccine from the Beijing Institute of Biological Products, a subsidiary of state-owned conglomerate Sinopharm. The company announced Wednesday that preliminary data from last-stage trials had shown it to be 79.3% effective.

Sinopharm is one of at least five Chinese developers that are in a global race to create vaccines for the disease that has killed more than 1.8 million people.

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