MUMBAI: Zee TV recently launched Hamariwali Good News, which presents a heart-warming story showcasing a unique role reversal between a daughter-in-law – Navya (Srishti Jain) and her mother-in-law – Renuka (Juhi Parmar) to give their family the much-awaited Good News. Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve seen a lot of drama take place at the Tiwari house, especially with Aditya (Raghav Tiwari) losing his job as well as Renuka (Juhi Parmar) – Mukund’s (Shakti Anand) ongoing divorce drama.  With several dramatic and emotionally draining sequences being shot, the shooting schedules have been impacting all the actors, especially Raghav Tiwari. However, the actor reveals to us how Hollywood actor Joaquin Phoenix has been helping him unwind and stay sane.
Raghav’s character Aditya was in a major predicament currently in Hamariwali Good News. Firstly, he had just lost his job and has no savings to run the house. Secondly, he was witnessing his parents – Renuka and Mukund going through an ugly divorce and last but not the least, he was also being teased by everyone about his mother getting pregnant at such an old age. All this sees a frustrated Aditya acting aggressive and bursting out from time to time. To get into the skin of the character, Raghav has been using method acting, but having to be constantly angry and perform multiple crying sequences has taken a toll on the actor.
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As Raghav Tiwari who plays the role of Aditya in Hamariwali Good News mentioned, “Aditya was in a huge predicament after losing his job and seeing his parents fight and going for a divorce. All this had made him very volatile, and he had become very aggressive. He was frustrated and while Navya tries to be his saviour, he is in a downward spiral. Aditya is seen fighting with everyone, removing his frustration at his wife and mother as well as breaking down in front of them. These sequences for Hamariwali Good News were one of the most challenging ones for me and I must say as an actor I enjoyed shooting for them. However, to showcase all these emotions properly, I had to resort to method acting and I imagined myself in these scenarios, immersed myself in them completely and then my natural reactions came out. Obviously, it did affect me, especially after having to cry and burst out from one scene to another. There was no stopping point and it did impact my personality a bit.”
However, it looks like Hollywood star Joaquin Phoenix’s piece of advice really helped him out. As Raghav added, “We’ve seen many actors get affected by their characters beyond a point of no return like Heath Ledger and it can happen to anyone who resorts to method acting. However, I always had Joaquin Phoenix’s advice in my mind. He had once said that while we should get into the skin of your character to showcase the exact raw emotions, we should also remember to cut off from it and accept reality. He had said that when we accept the reality, it will help us get back to our normal selves the moment the director calls cut and that’s what I did. Apart from this piece of advice, I have a very supportive cast including Srishti, Shakti ji and Juhi ji. All of them helped me unwind and I must say this sequence has been one of my favourites to shoot.”
While Raghav is enjoying the shoot, looks like a lot of new twists and turns are set to come in Renuka and Mukund’s life after Vrunda (Samikssha Bhatnagar) exposes Sumitra’s long kept secret. What will happen next?
To know all this and more, tune into Hamariwali Good News every Monday to Saturday at 7:30 pm only on Zee TV
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