Aditya Narayan is enjoying his honeymoon with wife Shweta Agarwal in Kashmir. The singer-actor, who tied the knot with his Shaapit co-star, on December 1, was busy with his shoot commitments, so could not take time out earlier. But, the couple is living it up on their honeymoon in Kashmir.
Aditya shared an adorable selfie with Shweta on Instagram and wrote alongside, “Honeymoon begins! Visiting heaven on earth #Kashmir for the first time #IncredibleIndia”
While Shweta’s Instagram page is still a private account, Aditya Narayan’s fanclub made sure to share pictures and videos on the photo-sharing platform. His fans are excited and elated that the singer-actor has entered into a new chapter of his life.
Aditya and Shweta had already revealed earlier that they plan to visit Gulmarg, Kashmir, for their honeymoon. Aditya said it’s because Shweta loves skiing and the snowy place would be the perfect destination in winter.
The couple dated for 11 years and finally got married this year. Earlier in an interview with Bollywood Hungama, singer Udit Narayan (Aditya’s father) revealed details about his son and now-wife Shweta’s wedding. He said, “I have just one son. I wanted his marriage to be much more lavish. But the Covid has taken the joy away from all celebrations. In fact I wanted my son to wait until this pandemic was over before getting married. But Shweta’s family and Aditya were keen that they get married now. My son and Shweta were in a live-in relationship for 10 years. I guess it was time for them to make it official.”
Talking about his daughter-in-law, the veteran singer said, “She is soft-spoken. She hardly speaks. And when she does we have to strain our ears to hear her. We had received many marriage proposals for Aditya, and very tempting ones. When he told my wife and I that he wanted to marry the girl he had been with for so many years I was happy.”
Stay tuned, as we will update you more on Aditya and Shweta’s honeymoon diaries!
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