His last venture was in 2015 with ‘Katti Batti’ after which it was revealed that Imran Khan was to quit acting. Despite no longer being in the limelight, the former actor has been reaching out to his fans through Reddit Ask Me Anything, where he expressed how he was never a fan of being a part of the Bollywood social life.
“I don’t watch TV… I’ve worked hard to avoid living in the ‘Bollywood Bubble’, eating, breathing and living movies. It can get very suffocating,” Hindustan Times reports the actor stating when one fan asked how he responds to comments claiming he’s only in the industry because of Aamir Khan being his uncle.
When asked about not being consumed by the industry, Khan expressed, “It’s not really a conscious effort. I’m genuinely not interested in most of the hoopla. I like my quiet, peaceful life, I like my old friends, I like my cats and dogs… Ideally, I’d just make movies and skip the rest of the media circus.”
One interested fan asked what Bollywood parties are really like, to which Khan seemed more than happy to reveal all by saying, “Exactly the same thing that happens at all parties; people drink, dance, stand in corners and bitch about people they dislike, there are drunken hookups and fights, and people keep going to the bathroom, even if they don’t have to pee.”
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