Players of India, England cricket teams have been allowed to start practicing for the first Test match in Chennai from Tuesday after players from both teams returned with negative COVID Tests. Both teams now have three days to prepare themselves for the first Test match starting from February 5. Meanwhile, the ECB are awaiting a final confirmation from the BCCI on whether to allow crowds in the second Test also in Chennai from February 13.
India-England Players Clear COVID Test, To Train From Tuesday
Both the teams entered into the bio-bubble at Chennai’s Leela palace hotel together, a few days ago. While the Indian players got a much-needed break after the Test series against Australia, England have switched from one bubble to another from Sri Lanka to Chennai.
“The Indian Cricket Team completed their quarantine period today in Chennai. Three RT-PCR tests for Covid-19 were conducted at regular intervals and all tests have returned negative results. The team will have their first outdoor session today from 5:00 PM and nets sessions will begin from tomorrow,” read an update from BCCI.
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England players such as Ben Stokes, Jofra Archer and Rory Burns, who did not travel with the team to Sri Lanka for an earlier assignment, completed their quarantine and have already started training.
A similar statement of the England players clearing the COVID Test came from the ECB as well.
“All PCR tests from yesterday’s test have returned negative results. The England party are now out of quarantine and will train for the first time as a full group at the stadium tomorrow afternoon 2pm-5pm (IST),” read an update from the England and Wales Cricket Board spokesperson.
England play India between February 5 to March 28 for four Tests, five T20Is, and three ODIs. Chennai will host the first two Tests. The final two Tests will be played at the newly built stadium in Ahmedabad. Ahmedabad will host the T20I series followed by Pune for the ODI series.
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