Home Entertainment Johnny Depp does not believe ex-wife Amber Heard gave up $7m divorce money to charity

Johnny Depp does not believe ex-wife Amber Heard gave up $7m divorce money to charity

Johnny Depp does not believe ex-wife Amber Heard gave up $7m divorce money to charity

Hollywood star Johnny Depp has now accused ex-wife Amber Heard of lying.

Their divorce battle had led to Johnny Depp coughing up a massive $7 million as a settlement after a long and ugly battle which Amber Heard claimed she gave it all up in charity and did not keep anything for herself. At the time, Heard had said that she didn’t want Depp’s money after their explosive 2016 breakup.

But Johnny Depp’s lawyers believe that all these claims are nothing but a “sham” and have spent the past year chasing the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and American Civil Liberties Union to find out how much they actually received from the actress. Lawsuit to carry on even after Johnny Depp’s lawyers call Amber Heard’s claims ‘hoax’

The ACLU has so far refused to cooperate with multiple subpoenas but documents produced by the hospital and according to DailyMail has received only $100,000. The organistion was initially promised $3.5m as a “gift” from Amber Heard. 

Meanwhile, Johnny Depp lost a libel case against UK papers for calling him a “wife-beater” on the claims of Heard.

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