#SidNaaz fans are eagerly waiting for the new music video, Habit that features Sidharth Shukla and Shehnaaz Gill. The jodi was in Goa for the shoot of the video. After wrapping up the shoot they spent a couple ringing in the New Year at the state with their close buddies. They came back to Mumbai last night. Now, a picture of the two has surfaced on social media. It is a BTS from the music video. We can see Sidharth Shukla in a printed floral Hawaiian shirt with blue shorts. Shehnaaz Gill can be seen in a denim mini with a blue camisole top. She is also wearing a floppy sun hat.
The royal blue king @sidharth_shukla
The queen of heart…@ishehnaaz_gill
♥️?♥️?♥️?♥️?♥️?♥️?#SidNaaz pic.twitter.com/0NccwmhtDU— ☃️?MÏĶÎ MØŰŠË?☃️ (@shivani__nayak) January 3, 2021
We can see that fans are thrilled seeing this BTS. Sidharth Shukla has a very goofy expression on his face. Their song, Shona Shona is about to touch the 75 million mark on YouTube. Bhula Dunga is also slowly inching towards the 100 million mark. Commenting on music videos, Sidharth Shukla said, “I have been blessed to have had a lot of projects coming my way but yes I have been selective. When Shona Shona came to me, I loved the song…its fun, its peppy and its different from what I have already done before. Its been shot in Punjab and the entire experience of being part of this one was truly wonderful.”
He also said in a statement, “In a challenging year with the pandemic, music videos had a huge advantage during this period as people were consuming more content digitally and music truly has no language, it changes one’s mood. I am glad I have had the opportunity to shuffle between so many different genres in the same year!” Shehnaaz Gill turns a year older in some days so fans are showering love from now on.
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