Bollywood actresses like Madhuri Dixit, Urmila Matondkar and others lauded actor Govinda’s dancing skills on his 57th birthday on Monday. Madhuri Dixit tweeted: “Your films, dance, dialogues… your presence alone brings a smile on everyone’s face including mine. Sending you my best wishes on your birthday. Happy birthday @govindaahuja21.”
Your films, dance, dialogues… your presence alone brings a smile on everyone’s face including mine ð Sending you my best wishes on your birthday. Happy birthday ð@govindaahuja21
— Madhuri Dixit Nene (@MadhuriDixit)
December 21, 2020
“I want people to look at me at least once as we dance– I had once told him jokingly..did I manage..of course Not (even I didn’t see me). It’s impossible to take your eyes off him when he is dancing. Immensely graceful dancer n an incredible actor #HappyBirthdayGovinda,” shared Urmila Matondkar.
“I want people to look at me at least once as we dance” I had once told him jokingly..did I manage..of course Not ð (even I didn’t see með )
It’s impossible to take your eyes off him when he is dancing ðº
Immensely graceful dancer n an incredible actor ð#HappyBirthdayGovinda— Urmila Matondkar (@UrmilaMatondkar)
December 21, 2020
Sayani Gupta posted: “It’s @govindaahuja21 ‘s birthday! Can we take a moment to appreciate the King of Rhythm & Vigour! All time favourite! He just infused Joy!”
It’s @govindaahuja21 ‘s birthday!
Can we take a moment to appreciate the King of Rhythm & Vigour!
All time favourite!
He just infused Joy!— Sayani Gupta (@sayanigupta)
December 21, 2020
Karisma Kapoor, one of Govinda’s frequent co-stars, also took to her Instagram story to share birthday wishes for the “Hero No. 1” actor. Karisma wrote: “Happy Birthday Chi Chi.”
Govinda is considered one of the best dancers Bollywood has ever witnessed. The actor is also known for his excellent comic timing.
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