Naagin actor Arjun Bijlani has a massive fan following on social media. He rose to fame with his role as Mayank Sharma in Miley Jab Hum Tum. Arjun Bijlani’s Instagram account has so many of his stylish pictures and the handsome hunk has now become a style icon for many. However, in an interview with IANS Arjun Bijlani has revealed his style inspiration and it is one of the Khans of the Bollywood industry. It is Saif Ali Khan who inspires Arjun Bijlani. Arjun Bijlani shared, “Saif Ali Khan is my style inspiration. There is an understated elegance about the way he styles himself. He makes any cool look coolest and a sharp look sharpest. Be it a funky t-shirt, a pair of white kurta and pajama or a tuxedo, he aces every look.”
Arjun Bijlani recently went for a clean shave and relieved his Miley Jab Hum Tum look. A lot of fans loved his new look and he revealed that he keeps comfort over everything else. He said, “I like clothes that are both comfortable and stylish. Whatever I wear should make me feel more confident and good about myself. For me being fashionable is feeling your confident best. If you are feeling good about yourself, you will look great in anything that you wear.” He feels the only thing that defines someone is their confidence. “I feel someone can look supremely fashionable in a basic tee and denims if they feel confident about who they are, “he said.
Arjun Bijlani recently jetted off to the beautiful city of Gulmarg situated in Jammu and Kashmir state with his wife, Neha Swami and son, Ayaan. He also interacted with the paparazzi, and revealed that they are going to one of the beautiful cities in the world and also disclosed that they are going to celebrate Ayaan’s 6th birthday on January 21.
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