A couple of days ago, Nehha Pendse grabbed headlines when she was finalised to play the character of Anita Bhabhi in &TV’s hit sitcom, Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai. Earlier, the character of Anita Bhabhi was played by none other than Saumya Tandon on the show. About a year ago, Saumya left the show after playing the character for five long years. Nehha Pendse joining as Anita Bhabhi has sent fans into a tizzy, as both the actress and the character of Anita are quite popular amongst the masses. Nehha has always had a knack for comedy and was a part of TV shows like May I Come In Madam, Partners Trouble Ho Gayi Double, Family Time With The Kapil Sharma and more. And as the actress is all set to join the cast of another comedy TV show, she opened up on what attracts her to the genre of entertainment.
“I’m not a big fan of slapstick comic series instead I enjoy situational comedy shows that lately I have been a part of. That’s the reason I took up ‘Bhabhi ji…’ which set in Uttar Pradesh. As I have worked across regions, I always wished to play a UP-based character too because why should I leave this side of the country unexplored as an actor,” Nehha said, reports Hindustan Times.
Nehha Pendse loves acting and her passion can be seen in her body of work, her filmography. From Bollywood film, regional films and TV shows, Nehha has tried to explore herself and push the envelope a little more every time. “I love acting and at times feel that I have been on shooting sets forever. Starting as a child artiste made me understand acting as per my observation and I have learnt to fly as an actor. Be it genres or regions, I never limit myself as that’s the best part of my profession,” she added.
“I have been acting since the age of ten and never had an opportunity to stay home at a stretch. Then, I was always dependent on my mother for running the house. But, when I got married last January, we got stuck in the lockdown and thereafter things changed completely. Now, I’m all well-versed with how to run a household along with my career,” Nehha who has also participated in various reality TV shows added.
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