Home News PM Modi transfers ₹18,000 crore to nine crore farmers

PM Modi transfers ₹18,000 crore to nine crore farmers

PM Modi transfers ₹18,000 crore to nine crore farmers

The Prime Minister interacted with farmers and transferred the benefit under PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana marking Good Governance Day.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi transferred ₹18,000 crore directly to nine crore farmer families on December 25. He released the financial benefits under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme.

Mr. Modi interacted with farmers through video conferencing. The programme comes amid protests by various farmer unions against three farm laws recently enacted by the Modi government. The government has insisted that these reforms are in the interest of farmers.

“Some are spreading rumours that land will be usurped by companies entering into contracts with farmers,” Mr. Modi said, while interacting with a farmer from Arunachal Pradesh.

“We have worked on mission mode to take the benefits of Kisan Credit Cards to every nook and corner of the country,” he added.

The PM congratulated Hari Singh from Haryana’s Fatehabad for adopting crop diversification. Ganesh Bhonsle from Maharashtra’s Latur claimed he paid a premium of ₹2,580 under PM Bima Yojana and received claim amount of ₹54,000 after his soyabean crop was damaged due to rains. Madhya Pradesh farmer Manoj Patidar claimed he had benefited from the new farm laws and sold his soyabean crop to a private firm.

“Some political leaders are playing politics on the farm laws,” Mr. Modi said, interacting with the farmers.

“I am satisfied that money is now being transferred directly to the bank accounts of the farmers without any cut, any commission and cheating. This is good governance.”

“I regret that only West Bengal farmers are deprived of this benefit. The West Bengal government is not allowing the benefits to its farmers for political reasons. Political leaders rejected by the people are indulging in event management for political gains,” he added.

“Kerala has no APMC and Mandis. These leaders, who ruined West Bengal, should first get the APMC system set up in Kerala. They are misleading farmers of Punjab. These leaders are looking for opportunities for political survival. These leaders should not play with the lives of the farmers and must not mislead them. Those in power earlier left small farmers to fend for themselves. Promises were made, but not kept,” he said.

Mr. Modi said, “We studied the agricultural revolutions across the world and worked on reducing the input costs for our farmers. We launched the insurance scheme to protect farmers. We also worked on improving irrigation facilities through micro-irrigation.”

“Those who are leading the agitation today sat on the Swaminathan Commission report when they were in power.”

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