Actors Rajkummar Rao and Bhumi Pednekar have started work on their film, Badhaai Do. On Tuesday, Rajkummar took to his social media accounts, sharing pictures from the first day shoot.
Rajkummar and Bhumi posed with the clapperboard. He revealed his new, moustached look for the movie. Sharing the picture he wrote, “Shuru ho gai hai hamari kahani, Jahan hai dono Raja aur Rani, Shardul Aur Sumi hai ekdam pyaare, Yeh dono hai situation ke maare, Milenge hum aapse jald, Ho jayega tab sab clear aur tab hum kahengey, #BadhaaiDo (Our stories have begun, in which we are King and Queen. Shardul and Sumi are so sweet but victims of their situation. We will meet you soon, clear everything and say Congratulations).”
Rajkummar also shared a picture of himself and Bhumi with the film’s directed Harshavardhan Kulkarni. Every one was dressed in sweaters and jackets to brave the chill. Bhumi also shared a similar post on Instagram, writing “New Year, new beginnings, new us.”
Replying to Rajkummar’s post, director Vikramaditya Motwane wrote, “Harsh Kulkarni is a brilliant director and I’m so glad you’re working with him!! All the best for the film and I hope you guys kill it!” A fan commented on how Rajkummar looked a lot like Akshay Kumar in his new look. “Akshay sir lag rahe hai,” they wrote.
Talking about the choice of his actors, Harshavardhan had earlier told Mumbai Mirror in an interview: “Their characters are unique in that they incorporate comedy, certain goofiness and display some quirks. I could see only Raj and Bhumi playing them. And I’m confidence that the explosive chemistry between them will combust on screen.”
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In Badhaai Do, while Bhumi will be seen playing a PT teacher who aspires to play handball for the country, Rajkummar will play a tough cop. Giving more details, the film’s director said: “We’re also tapping a big social issue with this film. It’s too early to reveal details. All I can say is that Badhaai Do is as much a family entertainer as Badhaai Ho, only the world we’re creating is becoming more diverse. It moves from a small town to a bigger one and then, on to something else. There’s a lot of colour and drama.”
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