Actors Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone have all been spotted at the Jaipur airport on Tuesday. While the reason for their visit is not yet known, Alia and Ranbir’s fans are speculating that the couple may be there to tie the knot.
Ranbir and Alia were seen with his family at the airport. There was his mother Neetu Kapoor, sister Riddhima and her daughter Samara. They were surrounded by security persons and photographers trying to click their pictures. Before them, Deepika and Ranveer were also spotted at the airport. Ranveer opened the car door for her and they left without speaking to the media.
Earlier in the day, Ranveer and Deepika were seen in Mumbai at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport while Alia and Ranbir took a private flight from the Kalina airport. Her mother Soni Razdan and sister Shaheen Bhatt are also there with her. Seeing all of them in Jaipur, confused many online. “Alia Ranbir ki shadi hai kya.. Jaypur main,” wrote one. “Finally wedding bells of ranbir kappor and alia bhat,” wrote another.
Recently, in an interview with journalist Rajeev Masand, Ranbir had talked about marriage and said that the deal would have been ‘sealed’ had the ‘pandemic not hit our lives’. “I don’t want to jinx it by saying anything. I want to tick mark that goal very soon in my life,” he said.
They have been dating for over two years now. Ranbir had spoken his relationship for the first time in an interview with GQ magazine in May, 2018. They will soon be seen together for the first time on the big screen in Ayan Mukherji’s Brahmastra.
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Ranbir and Deepika had also dated for a while but are good friends now. She got married to Ranveer Singh in Italy in November 2018.
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