Like Bollywood, Hollywood witnessed some huge losses amid the pandemic. Shock waves were sent across the entire world when we heard the passing away of Chadwick Boseman aka Black Panther. Another huge loss was seen in Glee actress Naya Rivera. The beauty drowned during a boat ride with her 4-year-old son Josey.
For the unversed, the tragic incident took place in last July. Naya went to Lake Piru along with Josey where they rented a boat. After the duo was reported missing, an investigation began and Josey was found asleep on a boat. Reports even state that she lost her life while saving her son.
Naya Rivera was supposed to be seen in the TV Series, Step Up. In the latest development, the makers have decided to continue the show without the late actress. As per a report by The Hollywood Reporter, as difficult as it may be, the makers have decided to move on with a replacement.
American actress Christina Milian will be replacing Naya Rivera in Step Up. Creator and executive producer Holly Sorensen told the development, “Naya‘s death was a terrible loss to our world that we will, frankly, never stop mourning.”
The Step Up creator continued, “It was almost impossible to consider there could be someone so graceful and loving who could both help us honour our loss, while also bringing a deep reservoir of talent to our show, in so many areas. Christina is an exceptional human and a dazzling performer and we are so happy she has joined our family.”
The makers also “considered all their options when it came to ways with which the series could move forward.” However, they finally decided to star Christina Milian as the replacement of Naya Rivera.
We’re sure Step Up wouldn’t be the same without Naya, but as they say, the show must go on!
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