Delhi Police on Tuesday stopped Bilkis Bano, the 82-year-old who is known by the moniker ‘Dadi of Shaheen Bagh’ as she reached the Singhu Border to join farmers protesting against …
In view of the ongoing farmers’ agitation in the national capital, the Delhi Traffic Police on Tuesday appealed to citizens to take alternative routes as the Singhu (Delhi-Haryana) and the …
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Farmers’ Protest LIVE Updates: Tikri, Singhu Borders Shut, Ghazipur Border Partially Sealed as Farmers Stay Put; Top Modi Ministers in Huddle to Resolve Crisis
According to sources, the three leaders met at Nadda’s residence late on Sunday to discuss the issue. Shah has already appealed to the protesting farmers to shift to the Burari …
Traffic movement on both sides at Singhu and Tikri continued to be disrupted for the second day on Saturday as farmers planning to hold protest in Delhi rallied at these …
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Farmers’ march: ‘Here for long haul’ say farmers as they continue protest at Singhu, Tikri border points
The Saturday sun rose as farmers at Delhi’s Singhu and Tikri borders woke up ready to push through another day of protests, and slogans of “black laws” greeted the chilly …
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Farmers’ Protest LIVE Updates: Will Stay Till Farm Laws Aren’t Rolled Back, Say Protesters at Burari Ground; Heavy Security Deployed at Delhi-Haryana’s Singhu Border
Farmers’ Protest LIVE Updates: Heavy security has been deployed at Delhi-Haryana’s Singhu border where protesters have been gathered. Delhi police had on Friday given permission to the agitators to hold …
The generosity of the agitating farmers was at display as they served the food to protesters, passersby and anyone else asking for it. (Image: Twitter/ANI) Even as police permitted them …
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