Royal Stag Barrel Select Large Short Films recently presented the enigmatic actor Tisca Chopra’s directorial debut short film, Rubaru – a story that follows Radha Malhotra played by Tisca Chopra, once a celebrated A-list actress, struggling to remain rational while preparing to make a comeback with a theatre production directed by Aditya Srivastava, played by Emmy award nominated, Arjun Mathur.
Back in 2016, Royal Stag Barrel Select Large Short Films presented the critically acclaimed short film, Chutney for which the powerhouse actor had turned producer and writer. Her second collaboration with the platform Churri (2017) also did exceptionally well. Rubaru is the actor’s third collaboration with the platform.
Talking about the new film Rubaru, Tisca Chopra said, “As a first time director, it was important to me that I told a story that meant a lot to me. Rubaru is not just the story of an actor Radha Malhotra, or just a representation of the film industry, it is the story of any professional in any business because every professional has found themselves being nudged out of the frame as they get older. I wanted to showcase how one’s career can begin to wane with age in the beauty and youth-obsessed world and how an actress faced with this predicament is able to find her confidence back, and at what cost.”
The film has seen an exceptional team of artists and technicians coming together. Sirsha Ray is the Director of Photography, National Film Award winner Bishwadeep Chatterjee is the sound designer, Vikram Singh has done the production design.
Shot over four days at Sophia Bhabha auditorium and R City mall in Mumbai, it took three months to finish writing the script of Rubaru.
The platform Royal Stag Barrel Select Large Short Films has been one of the most influential and celebrated platforms for short films in India. Since its inception, the platform has released some of the most prodigious and award-winning short films with renowned artists and directors from the industry which truly reflect originality and creativity. Through its powerful content, the platform has successfully built a loyal community of short film movie buffs.
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