Bollywood star Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal reportedly left for Alibag along with their families on Friday morning, for their wedding. While the ceremony is on January 24, rituals begin on Friday.
Social media pictures and videos that surfaced on Friday show Varun`s parents David and Karuna Dhawan leaving in one car while his brother Rohit Dhawan along with his wife Janvi Dhawan and their daughter leave in another.
Natasha Dalal was also spotted leaving her residence along with her parents.
Varun Dhawan-Natasha Dalal wedding: The celebrities who are likely to attend the event
Varun and Natasha are reportedly to tie the knot at The Mansion House Resort in Alibag, which is 20 minutes away from Mumbai via speedboat.
An earlier source close to Varun told IANS: “Varun and Natasha will be leaving for Alibag on January 22. They will tie the knot on January 24 and it will be a close-knit family affair, keeping the global pandemic in mind, because there are elder family members in both families. It will be around 40 people from both the families gather for the occasion.”
On the guest list, the source had added that “no Bollywood celebrity will be attending the ceremony now, because then the guest list would cross 500, which is not practically possible, keeping Covid-19 in mind”.
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