Zack Snyder’s Justice League has leaked on torrent sites and other networks, such as Telegram, ahead of its release. This would not come as a good news to Warner Bros, which has spent USD 70 million just to finish the cut with additional footage and visual effects. Note that this amount is more than the budget of most movies.
Justice League Snyder Cut’s leaked copies seem genuine, given the screenshots and user comments attached to them. The videos begin with Snyder thanking fans. However, there are fraudulent files being shared as well that are filled with viruses and malware.
Zack Snyder’s Justice League is the original vision of Snyder, who had to leave the project due to a family tragedy. WB, already looking to step away from Snyder’s darker version of DC’s superheroes, brought back Joss Whedon, the man who, having directed the first two Avengers movies for Marvel Studios, had solid credentials in superhero team-up movies.
Whedon reshot or cut most of the movie. Several scenes were reshot and since the release date was nearing, there was little time to finish VFX shots. Not only the movie turn out to be bland and entirely without an underlying theme, the visual effects were often laughably bad, and the digital removal of Henry Cavill’s moustache (he was filming Mission: Impossible – Fallout when he arrived for reshoots and Paramount would not let him shave it off) led to horrifying results.
Zack Snyder’s Justice League, meanwhile, is getting much better reviews than the original theatrical cut. It has scored 77 percent on Rotten Tomatoes. The critical consensus reads, “Zack Snyder’s Justice League lives up to its title with a sprawling cut that expands to fit the director’s vision — and should satisfy the fans who willed it into existence.”
The film will release on BookMyShow Stream, Google Play, and other platforms in India around 1:31 pm on Thursday, March 18.
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