Home Lists 10 Best Indian subreddits you should know [2022]

10 Best Indian subreddits you should know [2022]

Indian subreddits

New to Reddit? Here are the subreddits worth checking out.

Even though Reddit may not be a mainstream social media in India yet but it is slowly gaining users and popularity in India. So if you are a beginner on Reddit or even if you don’t have an account on Reddit then also you can check out these best Indian subreddits. If you are bored by Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and other similar social then these subreddits may be the thing you are looking for.

1. r/india

Starting with r/india as it has the largest number of members among Indian subreddits. it is virtually an official subreddit for India. This subreddit covers vast areas of topics related to India. News & politics are the most discussed topics here with the majority of posts and audience inclined to left-liberals. This subreddit is critical to the government.

2. r/IndiaSpeaks

This Subreddit discusses mostly political news. It is largely dominated by a right-wing audience. Here you can discuss and debate with people on any political topics and share your opinion.

3. r/IndianGaming

If you’re a gamer you must definitely check out this subreddit. It has very active Indian gamer members. All your gaming-related queries and even questions related to PC building are discussed very actively on this subreddit. This is one of the best Indian gaming communities.

4. r/IndianDankMemes

This is the largest Indian subreddit for dank Indian memes. If you are into memes and humor this subreddit got a lot to offer you. The latest and exclusive memes are posted here every day by members of this subreddit. This community is very dank and there are a lot of political satire memes also posted here.

5. r/DankinIndia

This subreddit is almost similar to r/IndianDankMemes but with half the members comparatively. Despite it fewer members here also you will find great memes and humor content. So this subreddit is also worth checking out.

6. r/indianpeoplefacebook

First I should tell you this is not exactly an Indian subreddit but the content posted here is based on Indian people doing stupid or funny things on Facebook and other similar social media.

7. r/IndiaInvestments

It describes itself as a place to discuss investments, insurance, finance, economy, and markets in India. You can discuss and share your queries or opinions regarding these topics. Everything related to Indian finance investments etc is discussed accept cryptocurrency.

8. r/cricket

This subreddit is not exactly Indian but it is largely dominated by Indian cricket enthusiasts. News, banter, and occasional serious discussion on the great game are done here. If you are a cricket fan which most Indians are then this subreddit is for you.

9. r/cricketshitpost

This subreddit has some good quality memes on cricket and these subreddits are great to see when good cricket matches are going on.

10. r/IndianFood

r/Indian Food is like step by step guide to simple and delicious home cooking. From regional Indian cuisine to popular dishes from around the globe, this community’s focus is to make cooking easy.

Bonus: r/Mumbai and r/delhi

These are also great subreddits where everyone can come together and discuss and share everything from posts, news articles, events, activities, pictures, hold meetups & overall general stuff related to the city and its surrounding metropolitan area.

There are many more great subreddits that you will find as you keep using Reddit. There are subreddits with fewer members but they too have good quality content and they’re specific to a particular topic or niche. So go ahead and find more best Indian subreddit.

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