Two days after being admitted to a hospital in Hyderabad, actor Rajinikanth was discharged on Sunday afternoon. However, “in view of his post-transplant status”, doctors have advised him a week’s bed rest, and have asked him to avoid any activity that puts him at risk of contracting COVID-19.
The actor reached Chennai by a flight in the evening. Consequent to his condition, there has been ambiguity about whether he would announce the date of the launch of his proposed party on December 31, as promised earlier this month..
He was admitted to the Apollo Hospitals on Friday morning with severe hypertension and exhaustion.
“Mr. Rajinikanth’s blood pressure has stabilised and he is feeling better. In view of his improved medical condition, he is being discharged from the hospital today,” a hospital bulletin said on Sunday afternoon.
“In view of his post-transplant status, labile hypertension and age, the following advice has been given in addition to the medications and diet: complete bed rest for one week with regular monitoring of blood pressure; minimal physical activity, and avoiding of stress,” the hospital said. Consequently, the actor was counselled to avoid any activity that increases his risk of contracting COVID-19.
Film shoot
The actor was in Hyderabad for the shoot of his film Annaththe. While four crew members contracted the infection, Mr. Rajinikanth had tested negative on December 22. However, he suffered severe blood pressure fluctuations a couple of days later.
After being admitted to the hospital, he was kept under close medical supervision and was treated by a team of doctors. Medical investigations were performed on him and nothing alarming was found in the reports.
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